Today's angel message comes from the fairies ~ "Son".
Your son is watched over and protected as he explores his world.
Your question involves your son or a male who is like a son to you. Perhaps you've been worried about him or have felt a call to help him in some way. This card validates your intuitive feelings and asks you to take action in that direction. The fairies want you to know that your son is safe, happy, and watched over. Give any worries to them so that healing can occur.
Additional Meanings
♥ You are pregnant with, or will adopt, a boy.
♥ Your life purpose involves helping children.
♥ A son in Heaven is letting you know that he's happy and sends his love.
♥ Another person's son needs your help right now.
♥ You love caring for a male pet, who's like a son to you.
♥ You may receive a message from or about a parent (if you are male).
The image used is taken from the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.