Wednesday 12 January 2011

Artistic Expression

This week's message comes from an ascended master, Paul the Venetian.  It is ~ "Artistic Expression".

This card signals that your artistic talents are in need of creative expression.  You have hidden talents that lie dormant.  This trapped energy can make you feel tired, restless, and anxious and can lead to addictions if the energy isn't expressed.  Even if your artistic abilities feel unpolished, they need an outlet.  Make the time today to draw, paint, sing, play music, write, take photographs, make jewellery, sew, dance, or do something artistic and creative.  You may find the key to your life's purpose and ideal career through this process.

Additional Meanings

♥ Take a class to learn a new artistic skill.
♥ One of your loved ones is an artist.
♥ Express your true feelings.
♥ Your life's purpose involves an artistic endeavour such as writing or playing music.

Paul the Venetian was the Italian Renaissance artist, Paolo Caliari (his last name was later changed to Veronese to signify the birthplace of Verona).  He moved to Venice (which is why he's now called the Venetian) during the city's golden era in the 1500's, where he painted religious murals and paintings.  He was successfully able to defend himself against charges of blasphemy during the Inquisition for his artistic rendering of the Last Supper.  You can call upon Paul the Venetian for help with freeing your artistic expression and creativity.

The image used is taken from the Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

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