Wednesday 26 May 2010

Be You!

This week's Angel message is channelled guidance from the Angels, by me. They tell us ~ Be You!

When you try too hard to please others or to do something before another has done it, you are not being true to yourself. Why do you feel the need to be first? Why do you feel that people like you because you tell them something they want to hear? Why do you try so hard to compete with others? Why do you want to be so much like other people?

Listen to us when we tell you to be you. We know you better than you think. Relax in yourself and be. You are you because no-one else can be. You are you because that is the spirit of you. Be you, the real and honest you. Life is not a competition, it is about living in happiness, love and peace. You can only do this by being you and no-one else.

We want you to be happy and to experience the love of life as you. Your need isn't real, it is the ego self that is needing the acceptance of others and the ego self that is needing to win in any situation. Let go of that ego self. Look within and find YOU. Be YOU. Love YOU.

~ the Angels ♥

The image used is taken from a painting created especially for Charms Of Light by Elaine Clayton of

1 comment:

  1. True write up! every human is the same and should learn from this..have shared this with facebook!@bose
